We’re delighted to announce that our review conducted for Natural England, titled “Provision and Management of Green Spaces and Routes that Generate Additional Use and Enjoyment”, has been officially published in Natural England’s Access To Evidence database!
In partnership with the University of Surrey and Go Jauntly, our research explored which design features of urban green spaces can promote use and enjoyment. This research was commissioned as part of a wider group of literature reviews conducted by Natural England last year to look at ways to increase the number of people accessing greener areas in cities and the benefits they provide, whilst avoiding heavy demand on designated ecological sites that may negatively affect wildlife and biodiversity.
Our review found that the attractiveness of green spaces can be supported by a balance of natural and landscaped areas. Good connectivity, diverse facilities and events and the involvement of local communities in gardening initiatives can encourage use. Frequent maintenance was also found to be important in increasing enjoyment and reducing safety concerns.
Key findings were also turned into a series of infographics, highlighting design features that can maximise urban green space use, and can be useful to easily present the findings of our review to designers and public alike.
The full review can be viewed here.
If you’d like to have us come talk to your team about our findings, we can deliver a short CPD presentation and discussion. Please do get in contact with Grant at grant@tranquilcity.co.uk to arrange a suitable date and time.